Sunday, April 12, 2009

Episode 8: For Our People Off-Island

This episode is dedicated to those of us (myself included) that are away from home, either relocated to the states, serving in the military, or anywhere else your lives may have taken you. Let these songs remind all of you that no matter where you are in the world, the blood that runs through your veins is the blood of a Chamorro, and we will always have our Culture, Traditions, Language, and Values to carry with us. Being away from home should not and does not take away from our identity as Chamorros, and we must come together to assure that this holds true in the future.

In This Episode
Gurupun Minagof - Mike Duenas
Chamorun Norhtern California - John "JQ" Quintanilla

A special thank you to all the viewers on YouTube; over 6500 views and counting!

Un Dangkulu Na Si Yu'us Ma'ase!
~Si Jay Che'le

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